Friday, July 11, 2008

Allison Learns to Blog

Okay, for those of you who care, I finally know how to do this. Pat has been the main blogger in the family but with us living apart so much, thought I could add my own notes.
It is finally Friday and it was a long week! Monday I went to a friends house to watch the final Bachlorette, we were all bummed that she didn't chose Jason (he was from Kirkland, WA) and very cute and sincere. Got home about 10ish then up to work on Tuesday and had to clean house, couldn't stand it a minute longer, vaccuum dust, laundry. I haven't been home for a while so haven't had time. Wednesday we celebrated my Dad's 76th birthday with dinner at Elmer's, their next door neighbors house, very pleasant. Thursday it was pretty laid back, but didn't want to get out of bed this morning, even slept in by an hour, then was tired all day! The plan for this weekend is: Wenatchee tomorrow afternoon with a couple of girls from work, and then Sunday a day at the beach soaking up the sun and hopefully doing some swimming. It will be my first time to the beach so far this year, and my tan from Cabo is long gone.
Denise wanted the broccoli salad reciepe so here it is:
4 cups Chopped Broccoli
1/2 # bacon crip
1/2 cup Raisins
1/2 Sunflower seeds
1 small Red Onion chopped
1 cup mayo
2 Tablespoons vinegar
2 Tablespoons sugar
I add and taste and add and taste the dressing until it is what I like---Enjoy

Okay that was my week, so now I can go to bed, hope you all have a good weekend, hopefully it goes by really slow.


1 comment:

Randi said...